Saturday, May 21, 2011

arnold schwarzenegger body now

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  • SandynJosh
    Apr 22, 02:17 AM
    Samsung's smartest course of action probably would have been to work with whatever terms Apple had been offering before legal action ensued.

    You are assuming Apple offered them any terms.

    Apple's suit is largely around Samsung copying Apple's product appearances in many ways. What you are assuming is like Rolls Royce saying to GM, "Your new car design looks just like a Rolls Royce in so many ways a customer can't tell them apart. However if you'll give us "X" amount of money, We'll let you copy us."

    arnold schwarzenegger body now. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Intell
    Apr 29, 10:21 AM
    "Time to press the magic button!" lbro said as he pushed a big blue button in the middle of the wall. chrmjenkins saw his life flash before his eyes. When his life stopped flashing itself in front of him, he saw a beautiful blue planet below. He at first thought it was Earth, but his hopes where soon shattered when lbro started shouting "Mammariea! Mammeriea! We made it on the third try!"

    "I'm ever so cheerful to tell you that we are not orbiting the planet of Mammeriea, but the planet of Stupig." jav6454 commented. "Stupig! Take the ship down! I have a score to settle here!" demanded lbro. Down through the clouds the ship went reaching speeds that would have shamed even the fastest falling object. It landed just outside the biggest city, Cornilith.

    lbro marched, with his two companions in tow, up to a little shop called Moyank's Strip Sandwich Ship Shop. After waiting in line and paying for some tickets, they soon sat down in a large auditorium. As the lights dimmed, a voice rang out across the darkly lit stage. "Welcome to my humble show and stage! Please enjoy yourselves and feast upon good feasts!"

    The lights gradually came back up and revealed Moyank24 sitting on a stool behind a deli bar wearing a butchers outfit. "You there, in the front row! What kind of sandwich do you want?" She went around rows making sandwiches and presenting people with food. lbro was waiting for her to arrive. When she finally did he told her "I'd like the sugar cube that leads me to Mammeriea please." Moyank24 thinking this was a secret code that he had just made up, replied "We don't' have any sugar cubes. In fact, there isn't any sugar any where in this building. What kind of sandwich will you be having today?"

    "I'll take peanut butter and jelly please." pipped up chrmjenkins. "PBJ it is." said Moyank24 as she walked back up to the stage to make him a sandwich. lbro, not happy for the lack of the sugar cube, turned to leave chrmjenkins and jav6454 alone in the sea of sandwich eating people. When he was approaching the fifth tot he last step from the exit, a shot rang out across the large room. He spun around to see Moyank24 fall into the orchestra pit, sandwich and tray following her.

    Now horrified, he grabbed chrmjenkins and jav6454 and rushed them to the ship. "My sandwich!" exclaimed chrmjenkins. lbro, now very shaken up, decided to let jave6454 press the magic button. The ship vanished on the spot. Causing the indigenous multi legged people to wet all their crotches at once.

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  • savar
    Oct 23, 11:23 AM
    And here I was trying to buy a legal copy of Windows from MS, granted it wasn't the latest version (however XP had just come out, so 2000 wasn't that old) and MS was telling me to pirate the software.

    That's hilarious. I was reading the other day that in addition to fighting piracy overseas, MS also uses the threat of software audit in the states to sell more licenses. They kind of say, "hey, we could come in and do an audit, or you can sign this $300 million, 5 year contract with us." A local government agency is taking option #2.

    I guess they don't care about American, residential piracy.

    arnold schwarzenegger body now. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • *LTD*
    Apr 22, 04:56 PM
    Good to see Apple catching up to the features Palm introduced two and a half years ago.

    Who's Palm?


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  • GuitarDTO
    Apr 28, 09:32 PM
    FYI...if you are looking to switch to a Verizon iPhone but your contract isnt store let us add a new dummy line without a data plan for 9.99 on our account (2 year contract), and we got the white iPhone for 200 so overall we are basically paying 440 for the phone instead of full retail $650. Now we still have an upgrade coming in 6 months so I can get the 5 ; )

    arnold schwarzenegger body now. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • Burger Thing
    Mar 31, 09:12 PM
    They ought to have a 'classic' mode for iCal so people can choose...i know it won't happen though

    Great. Then we could choose between a 'classic' and a last century look. :p

    As someone mentioned before, I find it hard to believe that a company with a designer talent which Ive is, would dare to publish an eye turd like that? :confused:

    If they really want software to resemble real world objects, then please make iCal to look like the Pirelli Calendar...


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  • ezekielrage_99
    Jul 29, 04:45 AM
    It will suck like all Microsoft products except for the MS Mouse that is good.

    How come pretty much everthing Apple makes is good except for the Mouse :confused:

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  • nies
    Apr 28, 12:09 PM
    This just got real crazy


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  • andothfc
    Apr 18, 05:01 AM
    While these Sandy Bridge processors are considerably faster in lab benchmarks, they offer no discernible real-world improvement for most users. Having used a MacBook Pro with a C2D and then one of the new Sandy Bridge, I couldn't tell the difference.

    As MacBook Air owners know, it's all about the SSD speed for improving the experience for everyday users.

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  • Animalk
    Oct 26, 08:42 PM
    Anyone know if their is any work being done to put the OpenCL foundation (introduced with Snow Leopard for the Mac world) to good use?

    Is anyone on top of the Grand Central and OpenCL scene able to chime in on this?


    arnold schwarzenegger body now. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • Corey Grandy
    Jan 27, 04:41 PM
    $9.99 taxes in, couldn't say no to that.

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  • goombamd
    May 3, 08:38 AM
    Waiting for ivy bridge (2012) which will come with USB3 standard unless Apple somehow purposefully downgrades to USB2. Then you won't have to get a Thunderbolt to USB3 hub (if one will ever come out) to use the more standard peripherals. I already have a USB3 external hard drive which works on my Mac at USB2 speeds... :(

    USB3 is really going to remain the standard, unfortunately... at least for a few years. There are just too many USB peripherals around.


    arnold schwarzenegger body now. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 28, 10:47 AM
    I reckon the zune will be in the same situation as the sony clie. Its gonna be an amazing product with a million more features than an ipod, but will millions of people buy. Just as sony couldnt compete with palm, microsoft cant compete with apple, but the xbox is very impressive for a software company so im not going to underestimate microsoft.

    I am getting tired of feature after feature that no one needs. It makes the devices overcomplicated and moe expensive.

    I don't need WiFi in an MP3 player. But since MS will have, Apple will have to add it in order to compete. Thank god they haven't added the FM tuner into the player. Which everyone seems to want...:confused:

    arnold schwarzenegger body now. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 13, 03:39 PM
    I would hate this. TV technology is very taste specific, and Apple would have to get behind a single one. I like plasma, you may like LCD. Edge lit, back lit, 3D or no 3D? 3 color or 4 color elements?

    I think Apple TV is the right way to go. A simple box that converts any TV of your choice into whatever TV experience Apple has in mind.


    arnold schwarzenegger body now. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • duklaprague
    Oct 24, 08:20 AM
    Since I couldn't find it posted yet: not only does the 15" model come with 1 GB standard now, it's also in an 'upgrade friendly' way: 1 x 1 GB instead of 2 x 512. So, if you want to upgrade your memory later, you can do it fully and are not stuck with an extra module.

    I've currently got a single 1GB stick in a three year old PB - will that be OK to swap into a new MBP?


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  • cult hero
    Apr 15, 08:19 PM
    nope .. refresh happening in the next 3-4 weeks ... they want you to purchase the machine first then pay to upgrade to lion

    I find that very likely.


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  • Tragedies
    Apr 9, 10:05 AM

    arnold schwarzenegger body now. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Thataboy
    Apr 26, 12:13 PM
    Of course they would charge -- is anyone surprised by this?

    If you copy your actual files to the cloud (a la iDisk or Amazon Cloud Drive), then no additional licensing is required (no matter what the labels say). If Apple wants to keep master files in the cloud, and have you verify you own a copy so you can have streaming access to that file -- that requires new licenses.

    Licenses aren't made out of peaches and puppies. They cost money. If you want to argue Apple should eat the costs, out of the goodness of their hearts, well go ahead and argue that in crazyland.

    Now, Apple COULD use this as a value-add to a structured MobileMe service. Even if they do, I imagine they'd have a separate music-only fee for those who don't want e-mail/iDisk etc.

    This could even pave the way to a subscription model -- if Apple has every song in the cloud anyway, and they've gotten streaming licenses, I imagine it wouldn't be tough to start a Napster/Rhapsody style subscription plan.

    arnold schwarzenegger body now. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • sprtnbsblplya
    Sep 14, 09:02 PM
    some new goodies i got today

    Grats! I have the 20mm f/2.8, not as nice as 1.8 but I love playing with the wide angles.

    Apr 24, 03:23 AM
    Their are many factors why this is true and I will list the them in order of which ones I think are the most important.

    1. The people who will jump to any carrier just to have the iPhone will, and have done so in the last four years. Those people have iPhones already. They are not likely to pay 100-300 dollars to break contract go to T-Mo then pay another 200$ for an iphone with contract.

    2. Android: Yes I have to say it but it is true. People feel less of a need for an iphone when they can get android Phones cheaper. Also people are being lured in by many of android's commercials that make the phones look so good. When a T-mobile customer sees a commercial for a thunderbolt they want that phone. They end up getting a High end phone on network. It is even getting more popular on the iPhone networks, AT&T for the most part ignored the android because it had the iPhone. Then after millions of customers came into the stores demanding not iPhones but Androids AT&T had to reconsider. Face it android is changing the game. People are seeing the android as less of an alternative to iPhones if you can't afford it or not on your carrier but more as a real iphone beater.

    Yeah it will not help if they where to obtain the iPhone. But for the most part it will not make a huge difference to them. Also Verizon did not need apple to put the iPhone on the its network, Apple needed to Put its iPhone on Verizons network. Verizon's droid line was becoming a major threat to iPhones.'

    In all it will help T-mobile to get the iPhone as much as me getting into a steady relationship: It will help but it will not change things in the long run.

    Apr 1, 01:55 AM
    That is butt ugly. I should just retain the unified window appearance and make all the modifications inside the window instead.

    Penn Jennings
    Apr 19, 05:53 PM
    I had to finally register to comment on the hypocrisy in this and many other threads like it. Because some people want frame rates for gaming on an MBA, then your needs for GPU performance are valid, and others who don't game but could use CPU performance have invalid needs? Rubbish.

    A perfect example is the above. So the C2D rates as a 100/100 for CPU performance and thus any improvement is useless? Really?! Nice to see that you framed the argument such that any improvement you don't see as needed is useless.

    On Sunday I combined 6 or 8 short 720p video clips into a 7 minute video for YouTube with a simple title screen and transitions. It took the C2D ~40 minutes to process the video and save in a new format. So you're really going to argue that there is nothing to be gained from a significant bump in processor speed?

    For me and many other potential MBA purchasers, a CPU bump from the media processing abilities of the Core i processors would be welcome, and GPU performance over and above the ability to play real-time HD video is useless. We shouldn't be saddled with an out-of-date processor or forced to subsidize "unnecessary" frame rate performance just to appease game-players. And that perspective is as valid as yours.


    CPU and GPU are both important. There is one critical difference between CPU and GPU though and thats this:

    A user can usually wait on on the CPU with no impact other than the fact that they had to wait. Using your example. You waited 40 minutes. A CPU that that was twice as fast might have reduced your wait to 25 minutes. A CPU that was half a fast would have increased your wait time to maybe 75 minutes. The only consequence of CPU speed is time in general. There is rarely a difference in the final product.

    GPU is different, GPU is often used to perform realtime calculations (Game or movie frames). Because the frames are related to a specific point in time, a difference is GPU performance can make the difference between usable and unusable. For that reason, people that like, want or need GPU performance tend to be focal.

    In my experience, poor GPU performance bugs me more than poor CPU performance. You can't just wait for the GPU to get done, like you can with a CPU. There does have to be a balance though.

    May 3, 08:08 AM
    Sorry not to add trollbait here but here's my main issues:

    1) Though they are using current AMD/ATi 512MB is pretty weak... Though 2GB BTO is a good thing.

    2) Was hoping for more than 16GB support...

    3) <rant>The Aussie store is getting screwed again, we are 10% over parity and paying 20% more than the US store, even with import duty Aussies are paying too much IMHO </rant>

    Oh well may wait till next year, for the next iMac bump and Lion...

    Apr 14, 06:18 PM
    Those IP addresses are practically useless.

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