Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises

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  • Fujiko7
    Apr 5, 07:26 AM (
    let sleeping dogs lie (

    Nice, peaceful photo. The soft tones perfectly match the sleeping dog. (

    Great colours on this one. Do you think it would look even better cropped slightly?

    Charming photo. You've clearly built a rapport with the subject.

    OK, here's mine for today. This was taken with iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. It was taken on the cliffs just north of Bude, in Cornwall, this past weekend. Some on this board may consider this "gimmicky", especially with the "aged" look of the framing, but I think this one worked pretty well. I would appreciate any c&c on this. (

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  • Truffy
    Mar 31, 11:07 AM
    The new look gives the appearance of a physical desktop calendar with leather binding along the top edge, and like the iPad application shows remnants of torn-off pages for additional realism.
    Oh, for the love of the children, NO! What's this need to make a computer application look like it's made of anything other than what it is? It's not made of paper and leather, why try to make it look like it is? I really don't get it...tacky, tacky, tacky. :mad:

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  • Legion93
    Apr 22, 07:05 AM
    Wow, are you this much of a jerk in person?

    Abrupt, abusive or insulting comments are not permitted on macrumors.

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  • zync
    Jul 28, 11:11 PM
    And you know what else matters? The fact that when Steve Jobs gets up on stage and talks about music, you can tell that he's really passionate about it. He's not just up there to sell tunes. He's a music lover and other music lovers relate to that and appreciate it. It's infectious. And it matters. I've seen MS and other companies talk about music (most often while wearing a suit which is enough to stop you right there) and the way they talk--there's no passion. You can tell that they view it at arms-length, like some kind of commodity, and surround their efforts with insulting marketing campaigns that play down to the lowest common denominator and that does not help.

    I don't think Apple has anything to worry about. As long as they keep going, they're fine. I see no reason to think otherwise.


    Also, add me to the list of users that have seen an XP blue screen—multiple times actually. It all depends on how much work you make your computer do. Of course it exists, even if it were impossible, I'm sure they'd put it in as an easter egg!


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  • Snowy_River
    Jul 26, 06:08 PM
    Just touching it is not tactile feedback. That would be like saying a piece of paper provides feedback if you touch it. Feedback means a signal is sent back to the user to acknowledge the the pressing of the control. The 3G iPod buttons gave an audio click - that is aural feedback. They also showed things on the screen - that is visual feedback. But they didn't spring, or have a physical barrier that you push through, so there was no tactile feedback (i.e. nothing that can be physically felt) to let you know that you pressed the button.

    tactile |?taktl; ?tak?t?l|
    � of or connected with the sense of touch
    � perceptible by touch or apparently so; tangible
    � designed to be perceived by touch

    Tactile means that you touch it! If you touch something you get a tactile feedback from it, unless your finger is numb. Thus, if you're waving you hand over control, you get no tactile feedback. Whereas, even if the control doesn't push in, the simple act of touching a control does give tactile feedback. (Perhaps less tactile feedback than a control that does push in, but it still gives tactile feedback.)

    When you press a button on a dead iPod, it does nothing, and it feels exactly the same as pressing a button on a working iPod - no tactile feedback.

    Irrelevant. If you push a key on the keyboard of a dead computer it behaves the same as pressing the key on the keyboard of a working computer. So, by your logic, these keys that press down give no tactile feedback.

    Who said it was revolutionary? And it could consitute a none-touch interface. It depends on if the patent is describing the control or the entire iPod. If there is a cover, you are not touching the control (the screen underneath), but the cover over it - hence none-touch.

    My point was not to say that your suggestion was not possible, just that it was a small step above what already exists, as opposed to a revolutionary leap forward based on the description in the patent. Of course, for anyone who knows a little bit about patent writing and patent law, what's written in the patent is probably the broadest possible applications that Apple can think of to include in their patent.

    A better (i.e. more scratch-proof) cover would be better. Who cares about fingerprints? You can clean those off. I don't want to hover my finger over something to control it - I'd always have to be careful not to touch the screen (unless it was durable). Not very good when on a bus, train etc., where the vehicle is shaking.

    And if a better material were easily available, don't you think they'd be using it? :rolleyes:

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  • rdowns
    Mar 9, 05:49 AM
    Exactly! He is doing what he wants. Why does he have to do what other people want?

    Also, the more we talk about him, the more he wins. If people continue to talk about him, he will just keep winning. There really is not anything else to discuss, but the media seems to enjoy rehashing his choices for some reason.

    Congrats on the win, Charlie.

    Children removed form his custody.
    Fired from #1 sitcom on TV.
    Going on the Internet and melting down nightly.

    Winning, indeed. :rolleyes:


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  • VicMacs
    Apr 14, 12:30 PM
    down go the gevey sim unlocks!

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  • iNev
    Aug 16, 04:12 AM
    Around here AIM is all anyone uses...

    Well around here most people use MSN with a smattering of Google's Jabber messenger thing. As pointed out elsewhere, it's very geographical dependant (i.e. AIM in the US, MSN everywhere else).

    I have just switched to Mac, and it's annoying I cant Video Conference with any MSN Messenger users (MSN Messenger on Mac doesnt support it). iChat is awesome but I have no contacts, lol. Anyone know of any other way, I have tried AdiumX and looked into Jabber.

    I've tried aMSN/Mercury and plain didn't like it. Ugly, slow and couldn't get my iSight to even look like it was going to work. Now playing around with the Yahoo messenger for video chats since the Y!/MSN protocol partnership.


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  • Steve121178
    Apr 12, 10:13 AM
    Enjoy the version of Android that comes on that thing out of the box. With all the HTC bloatware and Android fragmentation you'll be lucky to ever see a software update. :rolleyes:

    HTC phones get updates & always have done. What is this HTC bloatware you are talking about? If you mean HTC Sense I'll laugh at you a lot. It's a brilliant add-on to Android. In fact, I couldn't imagine Android without it.

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  • DeathChill
    Apr 23, 06:37 PM
    Wouldn't it be nice for you guys if iPhone 5 came out on every carrier?


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  • Loves2spoon
    Mar 10, 07:14 PM
    Poor Jon Cryer... They should give him a spin off!

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  • SuperCachetes
    May 1, 10:16 PM
    So the figure head who has had little to nothing to do with Al-Queada (a leaderless brand name of extremists at this point) since 9/11 is dead. Woo hoo. Meanwhile, terrorism in the world has only increased since the "war on terror" (something that was predicted and well known by US planners when gearing up for it).

    Time to start the USA chants. :rolleyes:

    Yep. It means nothing.


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  • poppe
    Jul 24, 03:16 PM
    Son of...
    I figured this would happen. I've been paying for Apple accessories one time each pay check, while I wait for the Merom MBP to come out, and I just bought a Might Mouse cord in may... I suppose its not that big of a deal, but still...

    The Dark Knight Rises. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • lifeofart
    Jul 12, 05:20 PM
    That's more or less what I've done. The issue is this. If you envision a twenty page booklet, it will consist of five pieces of paper. On the front of the first piece of paper, the left panel will be page 20 and the right panel will be page 1. On the back, the left panel will be page 2 and the right panel will be page 19. And so on. It is this non-sequential printing of the pages that I'm struggling with. How do you tell it to print pages 20 and 1 on the first piece of paper, other than having it print page 1, then putting the paper back into the printer and having it print page 20.

    (A big reason that I'm trying to get away from the manual solution is that I want to save this as a PDF so I can hand it to a copy shop to print out multiple copies for me. But, unfortunately, you can't print to a PDF page twice. :) Oh, and I've tried using the Layout option in the print dialog, but it reduces that page image dramatically, so 10pt font becomes 6pt font. So that wasn't a good solution...)

    Too bad you don't have a professional app such as the latest MS Word!:eek:

    Then you could just open the new brochure wizard. Set it up for four quadrants per page, front and back printing. Place your images & text in the proper quadrant in the proper orientation. Autopage number the quadrants, and email the doc file to your printshop.

    Almost all professional printshops except word doc files and can print your brochure out on their professional quality printers on your paper of choice.

    But I guess you are stuck with a worthless .pages file and if you fart around with it long enough you might just be able to get something out that a print / copy shop could use.


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  • sparkomatic
    Mar 11, 04:16 PM
    They just walked by and said that they don't have quantities. They can't open their stock until they close the store at 3pm.

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  • appleguy123
    Apr 28, 11:48 AM
    Is Intel in the pacific time zone, or have I missed a deadline change?


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  • gkhaldi
    Oct 24, 08:23 AM
    MacBook Pro 15-inch Glossy Widescreen Display
    2GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM - 2x1GB
    2.33GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    Apple USB Modem
    Backlit Keyboard/Mac OS - U.S. English
    160GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    Accessory Kit
    SuperDrive 6x (DVD+R DL/DVD�RW/CD-RW)

    Soon, the little lady can use the PB12" full time.

    I just ordered it with 3 GB. I hope the system is not "out of balance" because of the non-even distribution of the memory banks.

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  • 63dot
    Mar 1, 12:01 PM
    All you need to do is look at him to know that it's not a show. He definitely wants publicity, but I don;t think it's going to get him the results he wants. Most people I know are horrified and of the opinion that he just ruined his career. I have to agree.

    I think with both Sheen and his producer (Chuck Lorre) he is fighting against, people will eventually forget this whole mess over what appears to be control on the show. It's not the first time a show's boss and it's top star have clashed. The series makes so much money that some infighting and typically huge and unrealistic egos will end up on page 10, and then disappear. When "Friends" was on, the backstage stories were giant, but now that the show is a memory, people will believe they are "friends". ;)

    Sheen has probably always been this out of control, and the same with other actors, producers, directors, and other powerful people in Hollywood. It's sad to see a person sink this low, but it doesn't shock me being in the field he is in with other meltdowns (Kramer-dude, Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, Phil Spector, and others).

    The same field that attracts independent, creative, and motivated individuals has many of those same individuals fashion themselves as larger than life. They start to believe their own press releases.

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  • cvaldes
    Apr 22, 11:12 AM
    Yeah - I know if will never happen because SJ is compulsive obsessive with never making things bigger.
    Where are the commenters who claim that the iPad is just a big iPod touch?


    Apple OC
    May 1, 10:09 PM
    killed at a Mansion in Islamabad Pakistan

    Nov 4, 11:07 AM
    I'm on a PPC but plan to go MacTel next year when Adobe releases Universal versions of Creative Suite. I have some questions about VMware & Parallels if you don't mind me adding it to the thread:

    1. Do they require Windows partitions, and if so how much disk space is needed?

    2. If a partition is needed, can you run the partition on an external drive so as to free up space on your internal? (I'll be using a MacBook Pro so that's why I ask).

    3. Can anyone tell me anything about syncing a Palm device with Parallels or VMware? In particular I'm wondering how easily (if at all) I could sync my Treo with Windows apps as well as OS X apps. This would be huge to me.


    1. Currently VMware fusion only allows you to do to create a VMware image. This acts as like a virtual hard drive, so you would then have to partition accordingly. There is a network install, but VMware has not enabled the feature (to my knowledge).

    2. See above

    3. You should be able to sync with it, because like Parallels and VMware it allows you to connect it to the XP just by checking a tab to tell it to connect to it. So no issues here.

    The main feature it is lacking for me right now is the shared folder. This would be very uself for some of the stuff that I would be doing.

    Jul 24, 07:09 PM
    It's about time, I'll get one the day they become available.

    Apr 13, 07:58 PM
    at&t ?, Verizon ? or both?

    Jul 10, 09:51 AM
    Finally some really good news. I finally can get rid of Mickeysoft. ;) :D

    Ol� !!

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