Sunday, August 14, 2011

reference letter template

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  • FoxyKaye
    Jun 23, 12:00 PM
    iOS on a real Mac seems about as pointless as Microsoft Bob on Windows.

    Granted, there are some highly innovative aspects to iOS, and integrating some of these into a desktop computer OS would be beneficial.

    But gods help us all of iOS and OS X merge at some point - as was pointed out on Slashdot just today, it would create a fully media DRM-locked, Apple-controlled application distribution center. Which would be very beneficial to Apple, but not so much to the consumer.

    Although speculation that this will happen is rampant, as exemplified by the ARS Technica article today:

    In the meantime, it has been well over a year since either the XServe or Mac Pro have seen an update (despite charging through the roof for last year's technology), and Apple hasn't said anything about 10.7. That should be enough of an indicator right there.

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  • appleguy123
    Mar 20, 03:49 PM
    I agree.

    I think that if the App Store wasn't regulated, this app would clearly have standing to be in there, as would an app that was misogynistic, anti-semitic, or pro-flatulence.

    However, Apple (and Steve Jobs in particular) has said that the App Store is meant to "protect" people from certain things (namely porn). Since Apple has the right to determine what goes into its store, I think it's fair to ask that an app that is more offensive than porn (most people disagree with this type of "therapy" and approve of homosexuality compared to the level of disagreement there is with porn) should be similarly removed from the App Store.

    I think there's also a Pandora's Box in that if this App delves into trying to "cure" people of some non-existent psychosis, could Apple be guilty of aiding and abetting the practice of medicine/psychology without a license? I'm not saying there's an answer to this, but it certainly does leave the door open to more problems.

    There are homeopathic apps in the AppStore. Those won't work any better than this 'pray the gay away' app, but they still are allowed in the store.

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  • odo
    Aug 7, 05:23 AM
    Anyone dares to read "Vista 2" as "Vista too"?
    Virtualisation built-in so Leopard does Vista too?
    Would surprise me, but still...

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  • twoodcc
    Oct 23, 08:38 AM
    well i hope it happens this week. but i'll believe it when i see it

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  • cover letter example,. eMagius

  • jettredmont
    Mar 25, 05:31 PM
    If someone had come out with a console allowing for full-color 1024x768 touchscreen controllers the other consoles would be scrambling to catch up. Even if that controller cost $499.

    While there are some nits here (30fps isn't exactly ideal performance, the dongle connection seems too flimsy for real gameplay, etc) I think this is a huge step forward in gaming.

    Nintendo and Microsoft should be shaking in their boots right now.

    As a rather casual gamer, I'd love to see the bastard love-child of this and kinect.

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  • takao
    Mar 7, 06:17 PM
    It's entirely possible to turn a brand around of course, as VW demonstrated with �koda, it's only 15 years ago that �koda was still the punchline to almost every joke.

    if any car company has shown to have any knowledge about badge engineering/branding it's VW AG
    skoda is the obvious recent example of the last 15 years
    but compare it to what they did to Audi since 1980 ?
    the best way to describe pre 80ties audi ? the famous morris marina quote from Top Gear:
    "I'll guarantee that nothing exciting, vibrant, dynamic, new, creative, hopeful or beneficial in any way to humanity has ever been done, thought of or driven to in that drab, dreary, entirely beige, wilfully awful pile of misery."

    believe it or not back in the 70ties Opel actually had a trendy, sporty and young reputation/image not unlike Audi has today

    in fact i have some old magazines around from the early 70ties and its hilarious to read if you compare the raving reviews Opel got in the past with todays "not as bad as other cars but still cheaper than a VW" reviews

    Doesn't say much really does it. ;)

    I think you highlight the real issue in the rest of your post. But it doesn't just affect Opel. And that is perhaps GM's biggest problem of all.

    it's not exactly GM alone:
    yes VW are really bland looking too, but opposed to many GM vehicles if you take the badge away you would be still able recognize that the vehicle is a VW ... with some of the new Opels i'm not so sure (Chevrolet at least got that hideous split grill),
    Ford actually isn't any better. their latest fiesta very much looks like a 8 year old peugeot from the front. hardly surprising their sales havent quite lived up to the last models sales afaik

    It's not really streamlining when you have something like 6 suv/off-roaders in your range a'la Nissan is it? ;)

    true but looking at nissan i would say they are streamlining themselves out of the european market ;)
    yes they are selling the GT-R in europe and launching their own luxury brand Infiniti... for what ? to follow the "success story of 20 years Lexus europe"
    so they will be selling luxury cars , fake offroaders, a single halo car without any interesting cheaper car to buy ? seriously the new micra is bringing the bland back to the brand .. at least the old micra was a hit with young women
    i really like nissan and some of their last decade stuff but i feel they are going back to their 90ties role in europe. and remembering my grandfathers old nissan ... please don't go there
    (it could be worse: like mitsubishi dropping the EVO)

    Not if the Spark is anything to go by. Fortunately as the i10 proves, being Korean isn't the problem. ;)

    at least hyundai finally realised that those names they were putting on their models weren't the brightest idea in 95% of all cases

    regarding testing/timing the cars on the N�rburgring: knowing that Audi, BMW and Mercedes have an gentlements agreement not to publish their timed laps i think it's quite a hollow victory for some brands to publish theirs

    the argument for that silent agreement ? they don't want "a horsepower arms race"... look how well that has turned out

    reference letter template. the recommendation letter
  • the recommendation letter

  • BC2009
    Oct 25, 05:58 AM
    Bullcrap. WTF looks through CR to read bad reports? I look in it to find the BEST performing and quality products, not the worst. I only care about the worst if it was something I was considering at which point I take a much closer look.

    I agree with you on that point -- nobody looks through CR for a bad report -- but you missed my point. If I am NOT a CR subscriber and the news comes out with some big thing CR uncovered then I am more likely to think "Wow, CR is a great publication -- I should subscribe". But if CR releases yet another glowing review of something from Honda, Apple, Toyota then I would think "I already knew that -- those are good brands".

    CR gets notoriety in the media when they uncover something on one of the brand favorites. It also helps give them credibility with the masses by going after these guys. Sometimes they are over-zealous in their efforts. Their reviewers have personal bias too and I fully believe that comes to play in their reviews. It was just over obvious in the video they released on iPhone-4. The reviewer's little attempts at humor tipped his hand. Watch the video again and ask yourself "was this an unbiased reviewer?" The answer is an obvious "No".

    The reviewers at CR make their mark by uncovering the missteps by the big-name brands. Its how they build their career. Apple is a big target for any of their reviewers (as are any automobile manufacturer when it comes to safety issues -- these are big news).

    I've never seen the 11:00 news lead with a story on "Consumer Reports says the new iPhone is the best", but they are certainly going to lead with "Consumer Reports says Apple's new phone is fundamentally flawed". The reviewers know this and they look to get the big story. They are human and their personal motivations play into what they do, just like everyone else.

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  • Spoony
    Apr 26, 02:52 PM
    Here is what makes me think it's not generic and apple would/should win.

    There have been other online stores that sell computer programs/applications before apple created the "app store" None of them used the word App in their store name.



    Apple launches a store just like these but better and called the store "App Store"

    July 10, 2009 Apple's "App Store launches". Pre this no online stores used the term "app"

    Post apples launch other phone makers/OS systems start to scramble.

    App Catalog = Palm
    App World = RIM
    Amazon AppStore = Amazon

    Stores that didn't ride apples coattails

    Android Market = Android
    Ovi Store = Nokia
    Windows Phone Marketplace = Microsoft.

    If "app store" was so obvioius and generic why did no one call their store "App store" until apple did? This is like everyone that argues that the iphone is so generic with it's icons and screen. I mean so obvious. No it's not obvioius.

    If it was obvious Netjar, Mobilerated, Steam etc.. would just say "App Store" instead of some other random word.

    Even the unauthorized iphone Store Cydia doesn't use the word app in their store name. "Unauthorized App Store" "Rogue App Store"

    App Store is apple.

    Even Wikipedia's serach term "app store" goes to the apple "app store" page. if want other onlilne phone stores you need to go to the disambiguation section.

    reference letter template. Recommendation letter template
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  • MagicWok
    Nov 26, 05:04 PM
    My last purchase. Bataleon Jam 157. Can't wait for the season to get going - not long now!! :D

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  • guzhogi
    Jul 14, 11:01 AM
    I went to my local MicroCenter a few days ago & saw BluRay movies (XXX, Underworld: Evolution, Hitch, and 1 or 2 more) so there ARE movies out for it. Each was worth $29.99 USD so they're gonna be expensive.

    I'm just going to wait a while until either BluRay or HD-DVD win out. I'm sure this is going to be like the VHS vs. Betamax thing. I remember hearing that while BluRay can hold more data, movie studios would have to buy totally new equipment to burn them. HD-DVD, however, while having a lower capacity, the studios would only have to make minor adjustments. But don't quote me on that.

    If I had the money (which I don't), I'd really like to get the top of the line Mac Pro w/ all the bells & whistles when Apple ships Leopard and build my own windows computer when (if?) Windows Xista ships. I saw a full tower case w/ 5 external 5.25" bays, 2 3.5" external & 5 internal bays. I'd like to get a DVD-burner, a BluRay burner, an HD-DVD burner and a CD-RW. Probably an Nvidia mobo, 2 ATI high-end workstation graphics card (if they work w/ nvidia's sli), a Soundblaster X-Fi w/ the 3.5" bay thing, a memory card reader for the other external 3.5" bay. Then a Western Digital Raptor 10,000 RPM 150GB drive and 4 Seagate 750 GB drives and as many of Apple's 30" displays it can handle (or whatever the biggest, fastest stuff is out then). :D

    reference letter template. Christo Rey Letter 10.
  • Christo Rey Letter 10.

  • GregA
    Aug 24, 09:09 PM
    I guess we're diverging from the actual rumour - new Mac Mini real soon.

    It'd be cool to see some kinda of upgraded/dedicated graphics, a bigger 7200rpm HD, and 2 firewire ports. Maybe some built in or adapter based outputs for dual dvi? Alot depends on the ammount of vram it will have.I look at the existing Mac Mini, and your wish, and see too many $ signs!.

    Perhaps our wishes require a range of options. Mac Media HD vs Mac Media. ;-)

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  • This IT cover letter example

  • miloblithe
    Aug 31, 04:00 PM
    Any chance of a new chip set with a newer GMA ?

    If so, Intel's keeping it a big secret.
    (which means no).

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  • doberman211
    Mar 22, 10:33 PM
    Agreed. I like the mocup but tbh any thunderbolt would be integrated into the dock connector and any hdmi would be strictly Bluetooth. i would not like to see a larger screen, but perhaps higher definition say 360p or 480p instead of the 240p. no real updates on the OS. it's fine. maybe just some updates in itunes as sometimes when i sync it i end up with 5 of the same albums also would like the albums to sort by year instead of name. or maybe it already does that and i havent figured it out. dono. and plz NO CAMERAS! FRONT OR BACK!

    reference letter template. Personal Reference Letter.
  • Personal Reference Letter.

  • anjinha
    Mar 22, 11:29 PM
    I don't believe any was born gay, that's my opinion. I believe you make the choice in your life, just like you make the choice on what career you want and college you desire to go to. I have friends that were once married (guy/girl) and then divorced because they liked their sex better. So now they are openly gay and happy. I have back and forth e-mails with them stating they consider it a choice. One of my friends is a writer for Lesbians and spoke in front of congress on this issue 2 years ago. I was with her and she even stated that it was a choice to become a lesbian and it's now America's choice to accept it for all for choose this path.

    They didn't choose to be gay. They either were bisexual and simply chose to date people from the same sex or they were previously in the closet an eventually came out.

    Sexuality is about who you're attracted to, not necessarily who you date/have sex with. You can choose who to date/have sex with but not who you're attracted to. Some men live "straight lifestyles" while being attracted to other men. That means they're in the closet, not that they chose to be straight.

    There are a lot of people who are born gay. There are also people who were born as bisexuals and then made a choice to either be strait or gay, which probably was the case for your friend.

    No, they're still bisexual, they simply choose to date people of the same sex.

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  • SORRAT Letter Example

  • Veg
    Feb 28, 04:19 PM
    What's it made out of? And I presume there's a third leg holding the back of the iMac foot up? Otherwise I'd be rather concerned about it falling out of balance during an intense typing session :o

    You know what this forum needs? The ability to tag items in photos, sort of like how you tag people in FaceBook.

    And I hate FaceBook.

    We constructed it out of aluminum, it's the perfect material and looks great. Correct, it has a foot extending from the back that just barely stretches pass end of the stand.

    Ha agreed.

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  • Letter Of Resignation Template

  • NorCalLights
    Nov 27, 11:09 PM
    I'll be shocked if it doesn't have an Apple remote IR receiver and an iSight. Seems pretty logical to me.

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  • Student Recommendation; letter

  • skiltrip
    Oct 1, 07:51 AM
    Its been almost a month now how come their aren't more cases now now?

    Not sure. I do however, find it funny, that some of the major case manufacturers take so long to release cases. I realize the understanding is that Apple doesn't leak the specs until the day of the Keynote announcement. But, there were eBay sellers with silicone cases available the day of the Keynote (they may have even been up before, I didn't look) that fit perfectly. I bought some of them. So there ARE leaks in China, and the cheap case manufacturers get their hands on them successfully, so I don't know why the major manufacturers aren't privy to the same leaks.

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  • heffemonkeyman
    Sep 6, 08:34 PM
    Planet Germany ;) The not so expensive part of it though (other Germans are quite surprised too). Macs are pretty expensive here though, IMHO. And there isn't a single store you can get Macs... in a town with 200000 people or so. Oh well...

    Wie Geht's!

    In most major US cities (I'm in Seattle) 1st run movies in the theaters are over $10.
    So $9.99 for a movie download starts to look more reasonable...

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  • aafuss1
    Aug 29, 09:18 PM
    Huh? Why would a BR drive make any more heat than a 12x or 24x DVD drive? Hint: it won't. It's a disc that is the same size and weight and spinning at the same speeds... the only change is the wavelength of the laser reading the disc.

    Decoding the data will take some juice, which will make some heat, but no more than any other CPU intensive task.

    The tray load drives I've seen internal photos of have fans in the drive itself.

    The X3000 has Clear Video technology-good for media centre/video playback.

    Mar 25, 04:29 PM
    Win :D

    Apr 9, 04:58 PM
    Maybe they are rare where you live. In the UK and the rest of Europe they are more common that automatics.

    Yep - I'm not sure that I have ever even been in an automatic!

    Jan 12, 04:23 AM
    I think 'air' would have been capitalised on the banner if it was a reference to a product name. Then again, maybe the product name will be lower case, for font 'coolness'.

    I think the spec at the start of this thread would describe a MacBook update. It seems a natural progression that future MacBooks will be Alu cased. Isn't Steve already on the record as saying all Apple products are moving to Alu (& glass)?

    Interestingly, that same spec doesn't say whether the so-called 'MacBook Air' has a hard drive - being flash-based would be a differentiator from a standard MacBook line-up, as I think there's still a market for a high-capacity MacBook product, as well as a lower capacity 'thin', or whatever, portable.

    Other than that, I think 'something in the air' has to imply something wireless, rather than 'over the network'. I very much doubt it's wireless power though.

    My bet would be a comprehensive wireless network play:

    Jan 7, 08:54 PM
    ITV is a private independant TV channel in the UK so Apple may run into trouble with that name for it's home media centre.

    Dec 1, 09:05 PM
    Thanks and I'll be expecting you to blow past me then, in about a month :rolleyes: or so...

    Well, I won't get back the #7 spot from you ;) unless these 12 cores Gulftown Mac pros come out at MWSF...

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